I just wanted to take the time to write to you personally and acknowledge you for being such an integral part of Personal Empowerment Program (PEP) 2011. You put a huge amount of faith into something that you didn’t really know too much about, and I admire your courage to step into the unknown. Throughout the program you were a breath of fresh air – a little bubble of unlimited energy and love, but with a great sense of compassion, and a real ability to connect with people. I was blown away by the impact you were able to have in such a short amount of time. All those people that had coaching sessions with you walked away with a special gift of clarity and support, and I really appreciate you adding so much professionalism, credibility and love to the program. The team leaders you mentored also benefited greatly from having you there, and I admire how quickly you were able to launch yourself into this role with limited knowledge of what we were trying to do!

Jess Roberts, Facilitator, Personal Empowerment Program, WYI