
 My Training programs are designed to prepare your teams to achieve maximum results by enriching their personal and professional effectiveness. Through my proven process we uncover the gaps, requirements and opportunities that are unique to your team and address these using a number of tools, strategies and methods.

Inspiring Action offers outstanding programs, which will change the way your organisation operates.  Below are some of the current programs, which can be tailored to meet the desired outcomes and cultural needs of your business or environment:

Embracing and Leading Change (Leadership Program)

  • Understanding yourself and others
  • Improving your Effectiveness and Efficiency at work
  • Change: Creating, Embracing and Implementing It
  • Leading and Managing Change  
  • Change Curve: Where is the Organisation, Team and Individual?
  • Current and Future states
  • Role Modelling

Managing Challenging Behaviours

  • Understanding yourself and others
  • Managing Challenging Emotions and Behaviours
  • Assertive and Effective Communication
  • Improving Employee Engagement and Productivity
  • Taking consistent action to achieve sustainable results

Assertiveness Training

  • Understanding yourself and others
  • Improving your Effectiveness and Efficiency at work
  • Strategies for Assertive and Effective Communication
  • Building Confidence
  • How to be Resilient in a constantly changing environment
  • Embracing and Managing Change
  • Role Modeling Assertive Behaviours

Goal Setting for Life

  • Understanding your Values and Purpose
  • Self Management techniques
  • Setting Goals that you are committed and inspired to achieve
  • Taking Consistent Action to achieve outstanding results

Bigger Bite Out of Life

  • Personal and Professional Empowerment
  • Managing Emotions
  • Life Work Balance
  • Effective Communication
  • Focusing on want you want
  • Cause and Effect
  • Being Effective in all areas of your life


'Inspiring Action’ Training series:

  • Customer Experience
  • Selling
  • Copy Writing
  • Time Management

I work with you to design unique tailored training programs.

Coaching is one of the most effective tools in the area of accelerated learning, high-level enhancement of performance and personal development. Research shows that coaching is a highly results driven means  to bring about behavioural change. Combining the use of follow up coaching is an effective way of integrating training learnings back into the workplace.

To schedule an introductory session with Rebecca simply call 0407 971 895 or book online.
Your first meeting is at no cost and carries no obligation!