I have just completed the 4 hour ‘Embracing Change In the Workplace’  workshop presented by Rebecca Alexander from Inspiring Action.

To be honest (having participated in a few of these over the years) I was fully expecting another by the numbers ‘chalk & talk’ from somebody with no real industry experience presenting a ‘by the book’ generic session and to my surprise (relief) I found the complete opposite. The workshop was customised and very relevant to our organisation and the current internal restructure we are all experiencing presented by someone with ‘real world’ relatable experiences.

Rebecca’s presentation style is very interactive and engaging taking just the right amount of time to create an atmosphere  of trust to ensure a solid level of contribution whilst the presentation moves strategically forward strongly communicating relevant messages and objectives.

I would highly recommend this workshop, Inspiring Action and in particular Rebecca to any organisation looking for a professional and innovative training provider.

Michael Walters, Promotions Executive Arthritis SA & Osteoporosis SA