I had the pleasure of working with Bec prior to my departure to be a team leader on a volunteer program in Peru.

The strategies I have learnt in the coaching sessions Bec provided, proved to be invaluable and I have no doubt that the things I learnt I will take with me and apply to my life, long after I have returned from this role.

In a particularly busy time of my life, Bec and I worked together on strategies through which I could balance and stay focused on the different and equally important aspects of my life.

Bec provides no answers, but rather guides one to achieving results by sharing the journey and asking questions; and the resultant thoughts make the necessary pathway that much clearer and less daunting.

Bec is passionate, dedicated and so committed to each one of her clients, and I feel honoured to have had the privilege of witnessing these qualities within her while we worked together.

Francesca Trott, Team Leader, World Youth International, Psychology student, Adelaide